Introducing the James Moore 2020 Government Summer CPE Series

With the COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the nation, many industry conferences have been postponed or canceled—resulting in fewer opportunities for continuing professional education. And with such uncertain times, government CPE is more important than ever to help you face emerging challenges.

This is why James Moore launched its 2020 Government Summer CPE Series. From May 13th – July  22nd, we hosted 10 webinars that provide a total of 15 hours of no-cost government CPE. Sessions covered areas such as GASB actions, budgeting, guidance updates, and even Excel tips and tricks. While we hosted all of these webinars, some featured outside experts to provide additional insight.

You can use the following links to watch the recordings..

May 13                GASB Update (A&A)

May 20                Cybersecurity Update: Working From Home Edition

May 27                Internal Controls in a Remote Environment (A&A)

June 3                 Current Issues in Pension and OPEB Accounting (A&A)

June 10               Budgeting in a COVID-19 World

June 17               Refocus Your Focus: Do More With Less With Lean Six Sigma

June 24               Excel Tips and Tricks to Maximize Productivity

July 1                    –No Webinar – Happy 4th of July!–

July 8                  Revenue Auditing: Lessons Learned from TDT (A&A)

July 15                GASB 87: Practical Considerations (A&A)

July 22                Single Audit & Yellow Book Update (A&A)

So please sign up to join us for the most up-to-date government CPE available! And contact James Moore’s government CPAs if you have any questions about this series or other pressing matters.

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