Nonprofit Deadline Extensions for Form 990 and Federal Single Audits

Some nonprofits are getting a welcome reprieve in deadline extensions for their Form 990 and federal single audit reports.

IRS Form 990 and Similar Forms

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has postponed the due date for the Form 990 and similar forms to 60 days past your nonprofit’s normal deadline. This also includes the 990-EZ, 990-PF, 990-BL and 990-N (e-postcard).

Since this deadline is typically the 15th day of the fifth month following your fiscal year end, the new deadline can vary:

  • If your fiscal year end is June 30 and you had previously filed an extension to May 15, you will now automatically have until July 15 to file.
  • If your fiscal year end is Dec. 31 and you have not filed (or don’t plan to file) an extension, you now have until July 15 instead of May 15. No special filing is required; the extension is automatic.
  • If your fiscal year end is Dec. 31 and you have filed (or plan to file) an extension, you will have until Nov. 15 if your extension is accepted.

Federal Single Audits

The U.S. Office of Management and Budget has announced that many nonprofits will be allowed to delay the completion and submission of their federal single audit by six months beyond the normal due date. Organizations with fiscal year ends through June 30, 2020, are eligible for this extension.

A few additional notes:

  • If your nonprofit is eligible, you don’t need to file anything or otherwise seek approval to use it. The extension is automatic.
  • You should document the reason why you need to delay filing your federal single audit.
  • Using this extension does not disqualify your nonprofit as a “low-risk auditee” if you already qualify as such.

Florida Single Audits Not Affected

It’s important to note that this extension only applies to federal single audits. As of this writing, Florida single audits are still due as usual. Any decision to delay this deadline must be made by the state, and Florida has not made any such determination. The state’s Joint Legislative Audit Committee (JLAC) is aware that state single audit reports could be delayed given current circumstances. However, we do not recommend assuming that exceptions will be allowed.

For more information about these important extensions, contact your nonprofit CPAs. James Moore will continue to follow these nonprofit deadline extensions and other COVID-19 developments closely.

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