News & Brews Sports Biz: Telling Your Financial Story Using NCAA Trend Analysis

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Today on News & Brews Sports Biz, Katie and Ken continue the conversation on telling your financial story. Joined by teammate Shane Metzler, the trio discusses the recently released NCAA report on Trends in Division I Athletics Finances.

The conversation centers on prominent trends by D1 subdivision that will be helpful for athletics leadership to understand and communicate to key stakeholders. They also share their insights on COVID impacts, self-sufficiency, coaching compensation and athlete support. And of course, they chat about their current brews of choice.

Welcome (0:11)

Parameters around the data (0:47)

Distinction of generated vs. allocated revenue (2:11)

COVID impacts (5:20)

Trends by subdivision (10:40)

Coaching compensation and athlete support (22:50)

Brews of the month (26:26)

Wrap up (27:54)

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